Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've been thinking of my sister an awful lot lately. I mean, I think of her everyday, but she's in my subconscious. She's recently been in the forefront of my mind.

One thing that has been bothering me is that I have forgotten a lot of things in my life. I remember the jist of the event, but not so much the details. Similarly, I cannot remember as much about Daniella as I would love to.

I have so many regrets. I wish this and that, but I will not torture myself with those thoughts. Things were as they were, and not solely of my own volition.

I do have more to be grateful for when it comes to Daniella. I remember us being little and playing cars, school, Barbies, and going outside to play with the neighborhood kids. We liked the same movies. I remember when we were little, Mom and Dad would take us to watch the typical kiddie movies: Snow White, Cinderella, etc. First, it was great because Mom would make burritos and bring candy and sodas, so we had a feast during the movie. It never failed, though. After the movie, as other kids were being escorted out by their parents, my sister and I were sitting there crying and being comforted by out parents. Not because the movie was sad, but because it was OVER!! I have never heard anyone else tell such a pathetic reaction to a movie.

We thought it was cool how some twins have a unique capability of devising a secret language. No we weren't twins, but my sister and I loved going to stores and pretending to have a secret language. We had nonsensical "conversations" which included questions and laughing. I don't even know if people listened to us. I just remember we had fun doing it.

I've been going through counseling ever since Daniella left, but my grief and devastation is not significantly lower. I have her pictures and her beloved Papa Bear in my room, and they make me smile, but I always have this lump in my throat. My sister and I had not been getting along for the previous 5 or 6 years, but thankfully, had made peace with each other. I told her that I love her and didn't want our parents' funerals to be the next time I saw her, and that I don't want to argue with her anymore. My brother-in-law told me she was happy about that. I am, too, but I expected us to be getting closer during this very time period.

One thing that really hurts is that someone she was close to most of her life, and I had become close to as well, is no longer part of my life. There was an incident that resulted in this person verbally assaulting me, making false accusations against me that were so very hateful. Unfortunately, I was in a situation that because of my lack of mobility and other circumstances, I had to shut up. I am still very enraged over this, but I know I need to eventually forgive this person so that God can do His justice. 

My counselor tells me I am doing well with my grief. I suppose I am. I have not given up on my life or my dreams. I think I have done well in being there even more for my parents. I even want to do more now to make my Sister proud of me. My Faith is strong, so I know someday she will greet me and give me a big hug. For now, I want to live my life in the most positive way so that I will see her after my final hour and the other people I have loved in my life.

Until then, I will hold on to the memories.  Memories of us hearing a child fall at church and using our fingers to count the first scream.  Memories of me trying to teach her to dance, and listening to her Pink Panther laugh.  I was blessed to have had her in my life, and she will always be a part of it, always in my heart.

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