I read my friend's blog today and it broke my heart. Her grandfather passed away, and she'd had a dream about his passing and thought of one of his favorite songs just hours before she had found out the terrible news. I can't help but think it was him telling her he had left. I was very saddened because in reading about his life, I wish I'd known him. I would loved to have listened to him talking about his travels, his adventures, his loves, his losses. I guess I'm just very sentimental, or maybe I was channeling her loss. I just have not been able to get rid of this lump in my throat.
On Facebook today, someone I've not talked to or seen in 20 years gave me a Friend Request. Of course I accepted! Mike is someone I met 20 years ago on a plane from San Diego to El Paso when I was returning from visiting Missy on January 3, 1990. Mike and I had been checking each other out since the plane departed San Diego, and when it stopped in Phoenix, I moved and sat by him...not him come sit by ME; I was the "aggressor". We talked continuously until we reached El Paso, but we did not say goodbye there. We continued to talk over the next few months, and he went to Alamogordo to see me about six months later. Yes, we had a hot weekend. We wanted more, but there were issues, like he was in San Diego--oh, yeah, and I was engaged. So he calls me as soon as I accept his friend request, and we spent about three hours talking and reminiscing. He tells me he's been looking for me for years, especially the past five--and I was the love of his life. Woah...
So ANYway...
I just read someone's blog bitchin' and bellyachin' (as Liberals do) about Arizona's SB1070 Bill. He called upon the Tea Party to intercede because they "stand against intrusion by government against the rights of individuals". Does this guy not know what the Tea Party back in 1773 was a revolt dealing with TAXES?? Therefore, would common sense not tell Idiot that the New American Tea Party has to do with taxes? Infact, the Tea Party Movement is a "coalition of citizens and organizations concerned with the recent trend of fiscal recklessness in government". Additionally, the Tea Party is all about the Constitution and vehemently against the Governments refusal to adhere to it. Illegals receiving financial aid of any kind and NOT being deported is clearly non-adherence to the Constitution. I think he means the ACLU. God knows those pieces of Liberal shit stand up for anything. Remember when they defended NAMBLA?? Google that one. It infuriates me to see someone make blanket statements and not back them up. Liberals use the same lines that are fed to them by that Pelosi C.U.N.extT.uesday and her puppet, B.H.O. Rarely do they use statistics or facts. Rarely do they take the time to truly educate themselves about the issues. SB1070 is clearly unread and misunderstood.
Tonight I went out for coffee with Rich. We talked, but our conversations are just not as heartfelt (on my part) anymore. He asks questions, trying to seek something to talk about, and I am a little short and just say "yes" or "no, no, no". He thinks after telling me he won't ever marry me that things will stay the same: hugging, kisssing, sex. Right. I am deliberately showing him the difference now. I don't kiss him. I don't see him everyday. I tell him about Mike. I don't tell him about Clyde, but I do let him know that there are men that want me. I am certain that he will someday regret letting me go. I just hope he tells me someday so I can gloat internally. He will not be the first. Many have come back years later, telling me how much they missed me, how much they learned from me, how much they regretted letting me go. I can't help but think that in that sense, I have affected them in a Medusa sort of way.
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